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Showing posts from July, 2018

Catcalling and its Consequences

You might have talked about the problems that women face due to catcalling. Ever talked about its consequences? Is it only the women who are affected? There are always two sides to a story, and we generally tend to forget about the other. Catcalling has its effects on different people in a different manner. For those who don't know what catcalling is, here is a little definition. The term catcalling refers to rude sexual remarks made by men on women passing down the street. Catcalls are about women's body as a whole or a specific feature. There is a big difference between a catcall and a compliment. Every person likes and deserves to get compliments, but hearing a shout in the middle of a street regarding a body part along with sounds of kissing is never flattering. It makes women feel insecure, and it does hurt them when someone objectifies them. Catcallers may find the words harmless, but women may interpret them as the precursor to any possible physical threat. There is n

One-sided love? You learn a lot.

I remember sitting alongside a girl I liked, feeling electrified while looking into her big green eyes. I remember us getting stuck in a conversation, discovering things we had in common. I always hated the fact that she never felt the same, I mean how can it be possible for her not feeling the same as I did. I remember each time I trusted her again, sooner or later, she found a way to defy me. My feelings meant nothing to her, and for her love, she would make me sacrifice it. That night I went to sleep under the night sky, thinking about her the whole night, sometimes praying, but feeling a bit lonely. I wanted to get over her,  but I knew it wasn't that simple. Every time she needed someone I was always there for her. I just wanted to make her feel that there is someone for her, and I was never able to understand that my relationship was slowly getting parasitic. I always wanted a mutual relationship, but the fact that I was chasing her, made it an impossible task. I remembe