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Judgment is a natural innate, but we can try to be mindful. We may always think things in the third person's perspective to get an overall overview of an ongoing situation. So, next time you find yourself yelling at someone rash driving, ask yourself, "Have I ever driven poorly?" Of course, we all have. Each person you cross your paths with is struggling in one way or other. Some people are better at hiding it.

In the place you live, one incident would be enough to describe you. You can't hide, it's brave to face the pain rather than pretending that you don't care. We can not control the past, but we can surely make our future better. Our words might affect the livelihoods of many which we might never know. Afterall, it's impossible to get what's going on in other person's life. Don't feel guilty if you had made a decision that might upset some people. You're not questionable for your happiness. At the same time judging people of things you have heard about them is unfair. People need appreciation when they are trying to change themselves, reminding them of the things they had done earlier would do no good to them. It's like throwing pebbles on someone struggling to climb.

Simulate a situation where a man needed to make a lot of money, good enough to pay off all his loans, but he had got no time. Perhaps, he was already too late to make it in a fair way. He did something that you might find terrible. For once, consider yourself in that situation. Wouldn't you have loved to make the odds favor you?  Afterall, we all are instinctively hard-wired for survival. Those instances of cheating are the natural outcome of our evolved framework. It's not always about setting examples, sometimes forgiving would do a lot more. Everybody wants a second chance, not all of them deserve.

Try to understand people, the moment you judge them is the moment you don't understand them. Rather than judging, you can evaluate. Evaluate the given situation and try to understand how things might have been. Evaluations create a sense of connection. Judgments are often emotional, that's why it's better to evaluate. If you are reading this and thinking about a situation that you might have managed better, then my friend you are on the right track. You need to make changes to a whole lot of possibilities in your future self so that you might not regret things.

Sometimes we can't blame ourselves for the things we do. Bleeding won't stop until we heal the wounds within, and healing won't work until we understand ourselves. So open your wounds, bury your hands in, pull out the core of your pain, and make peace. You would be truly happy only after you have accepted your past rather than running from it. No one is perfect as such, so seeking perfection isn't a thing that I would ever advise. Try looking for beauty in the people. When I talk about beauty, it doesn't always mean the looks. It means the true self of that person. We never know what's going on in someone's mind as such, but in some situations, it's possible to evaluate them. Many times the bad times do a lot good to us in some ways. We never know, maybe we can find out whether the people are real or fake in those concerned events. Sometimes we also come across some unexpected scenarios, like getting a favor from someone we didn't expect. We may have known how bad we have been in choosing people and making friends, but we can always learn from our mistakes and past experiences, thereby building a beautiful future.

Make sure you never judge yourself too. Whatever you do is what you have wanted, but you know that things don't go that planned always. Blaming yourself won't do any good, sometimes letting go of things would make you feel better.

In case you need to talk, feel free to make a conversation, with me or with someone whom you find comfortable. You were never the only one being judged, many people around you find similar difficulties in life. Do things that make you happy and love yourself.


  1. πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜πŸ˜

  2. ur thoughts πŸ’‘ πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ

  3. You're not questionable for your happiness. πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œunless it doesn't harm anyone.

  4. So this is simply beautiful. With a simple understandable framimg and absolutely clear thoughts. This is something we all need to understand. Judging isn't bad, all it matters is the context and understanding the scenario. Keep it up.!

    1. Thank you so much. It means a lot when someone says that.

  5. Very well written and your simple thoughts make this more beautiful 😍. Keep writing ☺

  6. Articulation of these thoughts is worth reading...


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