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little ME and a little NOT

If you are going through this blog, I ensure you that you'll be able to put yourself in my shoes. People are fond of finding similarities among themselves to connect, but sometimes we portray an image of an ideal falsity. After reading this, I hope I can make you think a little about yourself.

I feel that there are things that don't happen the way we want them to be, and in those cases, we tend to think about various things simultaneously. Some people keep to themselves until they get to understand themselves thoroughly while others don't, they either panic or start to react. I wanted to realise my true self, so, I got naked, in front of me was a mirror, it clarified the perception of my mind. We all sneak underneath the clothing of an ideology. A philosophy taught to us by our society, they made us believe in things that have been haunting us for life. We talk a lot about the need for a change, but we never understand how much we have changed ourselves.

When I first came to college, I met people from different classes. While there were people with various kinds of talents, I was unhappy to see that many of them were not supporting themselves. Some made an impact as no one else had ever before, they did achieve a lot in less time. Being famous is not important, but realising your worth is, so, no matter what it takes, always attempt to present the best out of yourself. It's never too late, the fact that you started, is all that matters. Try to become the person you needed when you were younger.

It would be the saddest story of the happiest moment if you acknowledge the love and don't accept it. Communication is the key, many times we are not able to understand a situation, asking out for help doesn't make you look weak, it makes us understand the importance of people in our life. We are social creatures, so, whenever you feel low, go out for a walk and chat with a trustworthy person. No matter how beautiful is your relationship, if there appears a communication gap, you get to experience some drama.

Believing that you cannot achieve your goals, makes your goal a dream. I make my bed every day in the morning, no matter how my last day passed. So, even when I get to have a bad day, I come home and see my bed made, I see the first task of my day accomplished, it fills me with positivity and motivates me to perform better the next day. Transformation doesn't happen in a day, but it surely won't happen if you don't even try.

Every person that came into your life, no matter how much they matter, play a role, the art is to write the best story and deliver it a solid direction. Being confused not only makes you lose opportunities, but it also makes you commit mistakes, so, the key to success is to have faith in yourself. Today, the most common practice is faking out. If you think that being someone else would get you a more decent job, then you are wrong. I feel that people appear more friendly and trustworthy when they do not try to be so.

There would be times when you will fail, facing failure makes us understand the worth of a win. I remember being asked to write the whole story again from the very beginning as my write-up didn't make an impact. That experience motivated me to do better every time, to live up to the expectations of the readers.

Once in a lifetime, you get to meet a person who changes everything, it may be a teacher, an actor, or the love of your life. So, something special is coming your way, be ready for it.


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