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To the PUBG partner

I remember our lives before we started playing this game, and I remember how one game became a medium for our late night conversations. One of those conversations took us to the coffee house and planted seeds of an unexpected relationship. Even though it seems weird, but this game was the only medium I had to connect with you. But soon, I realised that your love for this game was much more than your love for me. Soon, emerged the moment of our separation, where there were no chances of sharing paths anymore.

The tales of this game don't end here. The plot has a lot of twist and turns. One such was the inception of reunion revolution. Who would have thought that a game might have the potential of bringing back the lost connection? Alongside the gameplay, there were people around you to talk. It never lets you feel alone. It doesn't matter if you call it a medium to escape reality or anything else. I recognised the importance of this game when I was not able to add one of my friends, the reason being China outlawing the game. He was the person who improved my vocabulary each day during the gameplay conversations. After the ban, it didn't take time to lose my childhood friend again. After all, I play the game with my other friends, I still do, due to which I could not spare any free time to talk to him. In a few weeks, our friendship vanished, and we became strangers.

Every year hits with a series of unique trends and social activities. Being a part of these movements not only improves social connection, but it also helps in diminishing the effects of depression and anxiety. These activities help in delivering social awareness concerning enormous traits, depending upon the domain of the event. So, follow trends and compose them to work in your favour.


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